Safe Shopping Tips To Consider

These are tough times, and it is  vital people take steps to stay safe inside and outside of your home. If you are shopping, follow advice and guidance to make sure you do so safely.

It is essential people follow recommended guidelines in every aspect of life right now. There are many aspects of life which people take for granted, but with the current circumstances, there is a need for people and households to re-evaluate what they do.

A perfect example of this is shopping. Even with recommendations for people to stay indoors, shopping for essential items is one of the reasons people are allowed to leave the house. Even though online shopping has grown sharply in popularity in recent years, it is not a feasible solution for most people in the current climate.

The demand for online shopping far outstrips the ability to supply. Therefore, people who can visit stores should do so, hopefully alleviating some of the pressure. This will probably make it easier for people who are wholly reliant on online shopping to order and receive support.

People who are going to shop in physical stores need to stay safe. Given supermarkets and corner shops are the place where people are most likely to congregate at the moment, this is the area where people are likely to be most at risk of COVID-19.

Try to shop at quieter times of day

Ideally, people should try to shop at quieter times of day, but this isn’t easy to arrange. Many of the stores which have remained open are doing so with limited opening hours. Therefore, with only so many valid shopping hours available, it is inevitable that there will always be some looking to shop. However, if you can look online and ascertain the times when shops are busiest, going shopping at another time is a smart idea.

Everyone is advised to follow social distancing measures when shopping, but this is often easier said than done. Some stores are limiting customers and providing markers to indicate the gap people should leave between each other, but this can be hard to maintain. Some people are so focused on shopping they will barge through, and others may forget when reaching out for an item of produce.

There isn’t much you can do about other people, but you can control what you do. Therefore, attempt to follow social distancing guidelines as best you can. If you see someone you know, it is okay to acknowledge them, but you should remain a safe distance from them. Also, you shouldn’t stop to chat or dally, it is best to complete your shopping in as little time as possible.

Protect yourself as best you can

Some people have taken to wearing gloves when shopping. If you do so, remember that if your gloves touch contaminated items, your gloves may be infected. Therefore, you should avoid touching your face when wearing gloves, and you should dispose of the gloves safely when you are finished with them.

Many people are also washing the containers they buy, as well as their hands when returning from shopping. Disinfecting bags and surfaces which bought items have been on also makes sense.

We know these are challenging times, but if you have any questions about the local letting industry, please feel free to contact us. At Ariston, we aim to support the local community as best we can, and we look forward to assisting you in any way.