Archway N19 Property Prices and Values February 20

Anyone looking to buy, sell or let in Archway and the N19 postcode area needs help from a local expert. We are more than happy to provide you with guidance and support in the local market.

Whether you plan on making a move in 2020 or not, you must be informed about property prices. As a local agent, Ariston takes immense pride in helping residents, buyers and vendors, and we will ensure you make an informed decision regarding your next move.

When it comes to house prices and values in Archway as of February 2020, we are here to help.

Stay in touch with Archway N19 house prices

According to Rightmove, the average price paid for a property in Archway in the past 12 months is £619,254. In comparison with other local areas, Rightmove considers Archway to be more affordable than Highgate, with an average price of £1,073,491; Islington, with an average price of £769,239; and Hampstead, which holds an average price of £1,477,177.

Rightmove states house prices in Archway have risen by 15% in the past year.

According to Zoopla as of February 2020, the average price paid for a property in Archway in the past 12 months is £648,754. This differs from the average price provided by Rightmove, but this isn’t uncommon when comparing prices on the two leading online property portals. Zoopla states the average value of property in Archway is £723,629.

We can help you find house prices you need to know about

While it is useful to compare average prices, if you are looking to make a specific move; it is always best to consider average prices per property type. The following information details the average price paid for property types in Archway in the past 12 months, according to Zoopla:

  • The average price paid for flats in Archway is: £501,001
  • The average price paid for terraced properties in Archway is: £1,091,635
  • The average price paid for semi-detached properties in Archway is: £945,833

If you are keen to take a tailored approach to the Archway property market, please contact us, and we will be more than happy to talk you through the process.

Archway is located in the N19 postcode area, and Zoopla states the average price paid for a property in N19 in the past 12 months is £648,754. The site states the average value of N19 property is £728,691. The most recent figure provided by Rightmove for the N19 postcode area is £739,746, and this covers October 2019.

Call on a local estate agent in North London

Whether you plan on selling or buying; it is vital to call on the services of a local estate agent, and Ariston Property Services is here to help. We have considerable expertise in the local area, and we have a strong track record in connecting vendors with buyers.

If you are a North London vendor and you want to create the best viewing experience for prospective buyers, please get in touch. We are more than happy to provide you with a property valuation, so if this if on interest, please contact us. At Ariston Property Services, we are pleased to say we have helped many local vendors connect with buyers, and we are keen to do the same for you if we can, so please get in touch.